Exploring Real-World Applications of Generative UI

Abdus Salaam Muwwakkil
6 min readJun 19, 2024

Vercel’s AI SDK 3.0 introduces Generative UI, a powerful technology that enables developers to create dynamic, interactive React components using AI. This article will delve into the technical aspects of Generative UI, exploring how it leverages large language models (LLMs), function calling, and React Server Components to deliver seamless, data-driven user experiences.

Power of LLMs and Function Calling

At the core of Generative UI lies the combination of LLMs and function calling. LLMs, such as OpenAI’s GPT models, provide the intelligence needed to generate components based on prompts or images. Function calling allows the AI-generated components to retrieve live data, enabling them to adapt to real-time information and deliver dynamic, up-to-date content.

By integrating LLMs and function calling, Vercel’s AI SDK 3.0 empowers developers to create components that can tackle a wide range of use cases, from ecommerce and data visualization to interactive quizzes and healthcare portals. This versatility makes Generative UI a powerful tool for building intelligent, responsive user interfaces.

React Server Components and Streaming

To ensure that AI-generated components are rendered efficiently and deliver a smooth user experience, Generative UI leverages React Server Components and streaming technologies. React Server Components allow developers to write components that are rendered on the server, reducing the workload on the client and improving performance.

Streaming enables the progressive delivery of content, allowing users to interact with partially-loaded components while the remaining data is fetched in the background. This approach minimizes perceived latency and creates a more responsive user interface.

Under the Hood: A Weather Widget Example

To illustrate how Generative UI works in practice, let’s consider an example where a user asks, “What is the weather?” The AI SDK 3.0 can generate a widget displaying the current temperature and forecast by following these steps:

  1. The user’s prompt is processed by the LLM, which generates a JSON representation of the component’s structure and data requirements (AI state).
  2. The render method, which maps to a React Server Component, is invoked. This method utilizes OpenAI tools to fetch the necessary data, such as the current weather and forecast.
  3. While the data is being fetched, a spinner component is yielded using a generator, providing visual feedback to the user.
  4. Once the data is retrieved, the final component is rendered, displaying the current temperature and forecast (UI state).

This approach ensures that the user is presented with a responsive, informative weather widget that adapts to real-time data, all while maintaining a smooth, seamless experience.

Key Concepts: AI State and UI State

When working with Generative UI, it’s crucial to understand the distinction between AI state and UI state. The AI state represents the JSON data that the LLM needs to generate the component, including its structure and data requirements. This state is used to determine what information needs to be fetched and how the component should be rendered.

On the other hand, the UI state is used to display the actual user interface, including the component’s layout, styling, and interactivity. By separating the AI state and UI state, developers can create more modular, maintainable code that is easier to reason about and debug.

Resources and Getting Started

To help developers get started with Generative UI, Vercel provides extensive documentation for the AI SDK, including examples and recipes. These resources cover a range of topics, from basic component generation to more advanced use cases like data visualization and interactive quizzes.

Interactive Quizzes and Educational Tools

One of the most promising applications of Generative UI is in the realm of education and learning. With AI-generated components, developers can create interactive quizzes and educational tools that adapt to the user’s knowledge and learning pace.

For example, a developer could create a quiz on React.js using Generative UI. The quiz would render a card with a question and multiple-choice answers. As the user progresses through the quiz, the AI-generated components can provide instant feedback, display correct answers, and offer explanations to reinforce learning.

Generative UI can be integrated with existing documentation, such as the Next.js or React docs, to create interactive learning experiences. By leveraging GraphQL, these tools can fetch relevant information from the documentation and provide contextual examples and explanations, making the learning process more engaging and effective.

Fitness and Workout Tracking

Generative UI can also be applied to the fitness industry, enabling the development of intelligent workout tracking applications. Users can input their workout data, such as the number of sets and reps of an exercise, and the AI-generated components can visualize the data in a meaningful way.

For instance, a user could say, “I just did three sets of 20 sit-ups,” and the application would automatically fill out the relevant information, eliminating the need for manual input. This natural language interaction makes tracking workouts more intuitive and convenient, encouraging users to stay engaged with their fitness goals.

Data Visualization and Business Intelligence

Generative UI has significant potential in the field of data visualization and business intelligence. By combining AI-generated components with database queries and APIs, developers can create powerful tools for exploring and understanding complex datasets.

For example, a Generative UI application could allow users to query data from a database using natural language, such as “Show me the sales figures for the past quarter.” The AI-generated components would then visualize the data in the form of charts, graphs, or tables, making it easier for users to identify trends and insights.

This approach can be extended to various business intelligence scenarios, such as monitoring key performance indicators (KPIs), analyzing customer behavior, or tracking product performance. By leveraging Generative UI, organizations can empower their teams to make data-driven decisions and uncover valuable insights more efficiently.

Feature Flag Management and DevOps

Generative UI can also streamline feature flag management and DevOps processes. Developers can interact with feature flag management tools, such as LaunchDarkly, using natural language commands to turn flags on or off, create new flags, or delete existing ones.

For instance, a developer could ask, “Enable the new checkout feature for 10% of users,” and the AI-generated components would handle the necessary configuration changes. This conversational approach to feature flag management makes it easier for teams to control the rollout of new features and minimize the risk of errors.

Cross-Platform Collaboration and Communication

Generative UI can facilitate cross-platform collaboration and communication by integrating with tools like Slack. Users can interact with AI-generated components directly within their Slack workspace, accessing information, receiving notifications, and performing actions without switching contexts.

For example, a user could ask, “Do I have any unread messages?” or “Summarize the latest project updates,” and the AI-generated components would fetch the relevant information from Slack and present it in a concise, easy-to-understand format. This integration enables seamless communication and collaboration across teams and platforms, improving productivity and reducing friction.

Healthcare and Patient Management

The healthcare industry can greatly benefit from the adoption of Generative UI. By creating AI-powered interfaces for patient management and medical record systems, healthcare providers can streamline their workflows and improve patient care.

Generative UI applications can allow healthcare professionals to access patient records, view medical histories, and update information using natural language interactions. For instance, a doctor could ask, “Show me the patient’s latest lab results,” and the AI-generated components would retrieve and display the relevant data securely.

These intelligent interfaces can also assist with tasks like scheduling appointments, generating medical reports, and providing personalized treatment recommendations. By leveraging Generative UI, healthcare organizations can enhance the efficiency and accuracy of their operations while ensuring the security and privacy of sensitive patient data.


Conclusion Generative UI, powered by Vercel’s AI SDK 3.0, has the potential to transform a wide range of industries and domains, from education and fitness to business intelligence and healthcare. By creating AI-generated components that can understand natural language, interact with databases and APIs, and visualize data in meaningful ways, developers can build intelligent, intuitive, and engaging user interfaces.

As more developers explore the possibilities of Generative UI and share it.



Abdus Salaam Muwwakkil

Abdus helps data leaders and innovation teams deploy problem solving solutions to unlock the talents of their people and establish competitive advantages.